Understanding Marketing TODAY

Saturday 30 July 2016

Brief introduction to marketing communications

Marketing depends heavily on effective communications flow between the firm and the consumers. Manufacturing a product and making it available in the market is only a part of the company's job. It is more important to make it known to the consumers that the product is available in the market .  in a competitive market where several firm are striving to win over consumers,  it is not enough if just the availability is made known. It is vital to propagate  the distinctive featured  of the product. The process does not end here either. Consumers themselves are taking more  active role in the communications process and deciding what communication they want to receive and how they want to communicate to other about the product and service they use,  to effectively reach and influence target market,  holistic marketers,  are creatively employing multiple forms of communication.

Traditionally,  marketing men have been of  the view that the "promotion mix" consisting of personal selling,  advertising,  sales promotion and publicity are the only instruments available for communicating the consumers. marketing literature in the past also adopted the same approach and described the promotion mix as the sole instrument of marketing communication. This approach has, however, undergone significant changes over the years. Today,  beside,  promotion mix ,  other entities,  like product,  price and the channel  are also viewed as components of marketing communications.  In other Words,  all the four Ps of marketing are considered  as  components of the communication mix of the firm. The firm attempts to communicate with the consumers through quality products,  attractive packages,  written messages,  pictures,  symbols,  attractive showrooms,  and efficient salesmen. When the various stimuli emanating from these sources are received and interpreted by the consumers,  marketing communications take place. It also encompasses the feedbacks from the consumers on how the total offering is received  by them.


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