Marketing decisions and regulations are based
on assumption about buyer behaviuor. To understand a buyer and create a customer
out of him, there is a need of every business oriented person and marketer to
have the understanding of buyer behaviour.
You will agree with me that time and effort has been spent by different marketing company to understand buyer’s behavior. Though the subject has been approached and analyzed from different angles and premise, it still remain a complex one. This is because, like much of human behavior, purchase behavior is complex and multi-face Even the simplest of purchasing decision is a combination or an amalgam of behavioral forces and factors of even which the purchaser may not be aware. For example; the purchase of an iPhone6 plus is not simply to provide mobile calls or social media engagement.
The purchaser may feel highly esteemed carrying the phone, the brand may have been purchased to impress friends or it may have special features that distinct it from other phones. Partly arising from this complexity, researching and understanding consumer behaviour is a special area within marketing. Don’t forget, understanding the consumers buying behaviour is very essential to the success of the
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