Before you embarks on the arduous task of marketing research, it is pertinent for you to consider certain factors which are considered crucial.
Here we will be looking at such factors;
The relevance of the research is the key. Research should not be conducted for the sake of just having a research done. The research problem or question should be relevant to addressing the objective for which the research is commissioned.
The next factor is the timing of the research; Researches are time based. If a marketing research is to be conducted, you should ensure that it is done within approved and acceptable time frame.
Availability of Resources; An organization seeking to size the advantage of marketing research must endeavour to put in and place all relevant and necessary resources in their correct amount and numbers. Resources such as finance , material and human.
The Nature and type of information sought; Don't make the mistakes of conducting marketing research in areas where information on the subject matters is lacking . This is because you do not look for what you already have. Management may approve taking on a marketing research exercise, if it finds that the required information is obtainable.
And lastly, Cost and Benefits; Cost and Benefits analysis should be undertaking on the project before marketing research is conducted. This means that if the cost of the project exceeds the anticipated derivable benefits, then the idea of the project should be dropped . if on the other hand the anticipated definable benefits exceed the projected cost, then is a yes. Management will definitely give it a nod.
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