Understanding Marketing TODAY

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Friday, 26 August 2016

Differences between a Businessman and Entrepreneur

Are you a businessman or an entrepreneur? Have you ever wondered what’s the difference between the two? Business people and entrepreneurs have many similarities. They both provide jobs for the unemployed, give solutions to the consumers, and help in developing the economy of a certain nation. However, they are not the same kind of people.
Most of the people have a misconception that the terms businessman and entrepreneur, carry the same meaning.
A businessman walks on the defined path, but an entrepreneur believes in making his own path, which becomes a guideline for other businessmen. In this article, we will help you know the difference between businessman and entrepreneur.

A businessman is person who is engaged in carrying out any activity, related to commercial and industrial purposes. He sets up his business as a new entrant in the market as for the existing business. When it comes to originality of ideas, most of the businessmen go for a business which is highly in demand or which can make huge profits for them irrespective of uniqueness.
A businessman faces tough competition because there are hundreds of rivals already existing in the market undertaking the same business. Although the risk factor is low because he walks on a path that is already tested by the rivals so the chances of failure are relatively low. The main objective of a businessman of conducting the economic activities is to generate revenue by employing the human, financial and intellectual resources. By virtue of this, customers are treated as the king of business by the businessman.
While An entrepreneur is a person who conceives a unique idea or concept to start an enterprise and brings it into reality. He is the person who bears risks and uncertainties of the business. The venture established by the entrepreneur is known as Startup Company, which is formed for the very first time regarding the idea, innovation or business process. They are the ones who lead the market always no matter how many competitors will come later, but their position will remain untouched.
In economics, the entrepreneur is considered as the most important factor of production, which assembles and mobilizes the other three factors of production i.e. land, labor and capital. In the long run, these entrepreneurs become a businessman.
Entrepreneurs are known for their creative approach. They introduce innovation and coordinate the resources. They offer such products and services which bring about a change in the world.

On originality of  ideal.
A businessman can make a business out of an unoriginal business or product idea. He enters into existing businesses, such as franchising and retailing. He chooses a hot and profitable business idea regardless of whether it is his original idea or borrowed from someone else.
An entrepreneur is an inventor and the first creator of a product. He invests time, energy and money on his own idea. He doesn’t start a business from an unoriginal idea. That is why he starts on a startup while a businessman starts on a business.
On the purpose of doing
Most businessmen are doing business for profit, livelihood, for reaching their financial goals, and for becoming their own boss. Though, there are some business people who are not profit-oriented but people-oriented, that is, they are more concerned on the welfare of their workers and the satisfaction of their customers. Entrepreneurs are more concerned on changing the world. They want to pursue their passion and achieve an ultimate goal. They are not keen on financial returns, rather they are focused on what they can offer to the world. Their purpose for entrepreneurship is simply to make a difference in this world.
On the degree of risks taken
Businessmen take calculated and managed risks. They cannot afford to lose money and suffer from bankruptcy. That is why they always do the Math when it comes to business. Entrepreneurs are like sky divers. They take crazy risks. They often don’t care of losing time and money just to pursue their passion. But since they do it with love, joy and passion, they often gain extraordinary rewards. Entrepreneurs, since they do the things they love the most, they do it with the best of themselves, resulting to greater success.
On how he treats employees
A business owner is an employer and a manager. He hires employees and workers to help his business grow. An entrepreneur is a friend and a leader. He finds peers and PEOPLE, whom he will never treat as machines. He invites them to help them grow.
On how he treats customers.
A business owner usually sees customers as his source of sales and revenues. For him, customers are the lifeblood of his business. An entrepreneur sees customers as his source of duty and fulfillment. For him, customers are his own life blood.
On how he sees the competition
A business owner tries hard to beat his competitors and win the competition. He also considers cooperation rather than competition to achieve certain goals. An entrepreneur tries hard to beat his worst competitor – himself.
On what he thinks of money
Losing money is one of the biggest worries of businessmen. Most business owners rely on a good economy to start, operate and attain success in business, especially in the retail, franchising and financing industry. Entrepreneurs do not worry a lot about money since they can always start from a scratch. Some entrepreneurs don’t really care about money at all.
On how he deals with time
A businessman doesn’t waste time. He always check the clock and doesn’t want any work or output to be delayed out of schedule. He is fast and always on the go. An entrepreneur works like an artist or a scientist in a lab. His product is his masterpiece. That is why he can be slow and could spend a longer period of time to finish and perfect his product.
On how he sees the world
A businessman sees the world as an opportunity. He sees it as an opportunity to make a living. He also sees it as an opportunity help the people living on it. An entrepreneur sees the world as a duty rather than an opportunity.
On how he defines success
A businessman defines success as the success of his business and its stakeholders. Its stakeholders include himself, co-owners, employees, customers, investors, and even his community. An entrepreneur doesn’t define success. He simply do his job and let history defines the success that he accomplished.
Remember both businessmen and entrepreneurs are supposed to be the kind of people that our world needs. A businessman needs an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur may also need a businessman. There can also be a person who is partly a businessman and partly an entrepreneur.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

The Expansions from the 4P's to the 7P's marketing model

The 7Ps model is a marketing model that modifies the 4Ps model. The 7Ps is generally used in the service industries.
Here is the expansions from the 4Ps to the 7Ps marketing model:

Marketing Mix : People
Of both target market and people directly related to the business.
Thorough research is important to discover whether there are enough people in your target market that is in demand for certain types of products and services.

The company’s employees are important in marketing because they are the ones who deliver the service. It is important to hire and train the right people to deliver superior service to the clients, whether they run a support desk, customer service, copywriters, programmers…etc.
When a business finds people who genuinely believe in the products or services that the particular business creates, it’s is highly likely that the employees will perform the best they can.
Additionally, they’ll be more open to honest feedback about the business and input their own thoughts and passions which can scale and grow the business.
This is a secret, “internal” competitive advantage a business can have over other competitors which can inherently affect a business’s position in the marketplace.
The systems and processes of the organization affect the execution of the service.
So, you have to make sure that you have a well-tailored process in place to minimize costs.
It could be your entire sales funnel, a pay system, distribution system and other systematic procedures and steps to ensure a working business that is running effectively.
Tweaking and enhancements can come later to “tighten up” a business to minimize costs and maximizes profits.
In the service industries, there should be physical evidence that the service was delivered. Additionally, physical evidence pertains also to how a business and it’s products are perceived in the marketplace.
It is the physical evidence of a business’ presence and establishment. A concept of this is branding. For example, when you think of “fast food”, you think of McDonalds.
When you think of sports, the names Nike and Adidas come to mind.
You immediately know exactly what their presence is in the marketplace, as they are generally market leaders and have established a physical evidence as well as psychological evidence in their marketing.
They have manipulated their consumer perception so well to the point where their brands appear first in line when an individual is asked to broadly “name a brand” in their niche or industry.

The 4Cs marketing model was developed by Robert F. Lauterborn in 1990. It is a modification of the 4Ps model. It is not a basic part of the marketing mix definition, but rather an extension. Here are the components of this marketing model:
Whether you are using the 4Ps, the 7Ps, or the 4Cs, your marketing mix plan plays a vital role. It is important to devise a plan that balances profit, client satisfaction, brand recognition, and product availability. It is also extremely important to consider the overall “how” aspect that will ultimately determine your success or failure.
By understanding the basic concept of the marketing mix and it’s extensions, you will be sure to achieve financial success whether it is your own business or whether you are assisting in your workplace’s business success.
The ultimate goal of business is to make profits and this is a surefire, proven way to achieve this goal.

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