After weeks of planning,
strategizing, and creating your marketing campaign, it falls flat after it
launches. What do you do now? Throw in the towel? Look for a new career path?
Of course not. Failure is a reality of content marketing and we’re all bound to
experience it at some point. What’s important is how you respond. Figure out
what went wrong so you can make necessary adjustments. We’ve compiled a list of
eight reasons your marketing campaign may have failed, and how to avoid these
mistakes the next time around.
Didn’t Identify the Proper Persona
One of the most important questions
you will ask yourself throughout a marketing campaign is, “Who is our target
consumer?” Get this answer wrong, and success is all but impossible.
Identifying the proper persona takes a lot of research. You’ll need to consider
factors such as who your product appeals to, what solution your product is
offering, and how much competition is in the market. Once you have a general
idea of your market, you need to get more specific. Create a story, or persona,
around your target consumer and get to know their interests, challenges,
habits, and purchasing decisions. Knowing your persona will help you better
target your marketing campaign.
You Had Insufficient Research
For the most part, marketers are a
creative bunch who get the most thrill out of coming up with ideas and concepts
for creative assets. Unfortunately, this may mean that research does not get
the attention it deserves. Ample research is crucial to the success of
a marketing campaign. Devote the time (and staff) necessary to learn about your
consumer and the market space you’re stepping into. You should be looking at
external and internal databases, as well as conducting your research through
surveys and consumer panels.
You Didn’t Have Correct or Realistic
Success Metrics
There are many indicators of a
successful marketing campaign, including increased brand recognition, increased
sales, improved consumer interaction, and increased conversion rates. If you
look at just one of these categories, it may appear as though your campaign was
a failure when perhaps it wasn’t as bad as you think. For instance, your
campaign may significantly increase traffic to your website, but a greater
number of visitors (even if it leads to more sales) may still result in
decreased conversion rates. Look at all of the metrics of success before you
launch a campaign and come up with realistic, attainable goals for your
marketing campaign.
Created the Wrong Message for Your Audience
Marketing is a field that is
dependent on audience reaction. It doesn’t matter how creative or original an
idea may be if it misses the target with your audience. When you are
brainstorming and discussing strategies for your marketing campaign, make sure
you are always keeping your consumer persona in mind. Your message and content
should speak directly to their needs/interests/wants.
Delivered Content at the Wrong Time of the Buyer’s Journey
Unfortunately, even if you create
the perfect message, it won’t lead to success if it’s not delivered to the
consumer at the right time. But when is the “right time?” Answering this
question with any degree of certainty requires an understanding of your
consumer and their purchasing patterns, which, of course, requires research.
You should be tracking and analyzing consumer interaction to understand the
buyer’s purchasing journey. If this journey takes place online, consider Google
Analytics, heat maps, and other analysis tools. Understanding the buyer’s
journey will give you a better idea of when you want your content delivered.
Didn’t Give the Campaign Enough Time
When you don’t get the results you
want from a marketing campaign it can be disheartening, to say the least. And
the last thing you want to do is sink more time and money into a failing
campaign. But at the same time, you need to ensure you give your marketing
campaign enough time to succeed. The best way to do this is to set goals and
timelines before the campaign launch. Start at your desired result and work
backwards. This will help to ensure that your campaign is given ample time for
success, and will also give you pre-determined goals by which to measure that
You Failed to Meet Regulatory or Brand
Compliance Guidelines
Marketing compliance guidelines should be taken very seriously, as failing to meet these
guidelines can ruin your reputation with your consumers and can lead to
campaign failure. These regulations are always changing, and not everyone on
your marketing team can be expected to keep up with all the ins and outs of
these standards. However, everyone should maintain a basic understanding of
these guidelines so that your campaign delivers a clear and honest message that
is consistent with your brand.
Your Product Fell Short of Your Claims
Don’t over promise and under deliver.
As great as your marketing campaign may be, if consumers buy the product and
are disappointed in its performance, that word is going to spread quickly, and
sales will drop. As a marketer, you may not have control over product quality,
but you do have control over how to represent that product, which ties back
into meeting regulatory guidelines. Make sure you understand your product and
are not overselling it or making promises that you can’t deliver.
Any of these mistakes can significantly impact
the success of a marketing campaign. However, if you understand the reason for
your campaign’s failure, you can make the adjustments that are necessary to
ensure success in your next campaign launch